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track_generator Module

The code defining a trajectory interpolation object and its creation.

MeshParameters dataclass

Wrapper for the general parameters required to generate a mesh of ODE solutions

A mesh for Spyral is a 4 dimensional array of solutions to the equations of motion (also called track or trajectory) through the AT-TPC detector. These parameters describe the shape of the mesh as well as the physical properties used to generate it.


Name Type Description
target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

The target material

particle NucleusData

The projectile

bfield float

The magnetic field magnitude in T

efield float

The electric field magnitude in V/m

n_time_steps int

The number of ODE solver timesteps

ke_min float

The minimum kinetic energy of the mesh in MeV

ke_max float

The maximum kinetic energy of the mesh in MeV

ke_bins int

The number of kinetic energy bins in the mesh

polar_min float

The minimum polar angle of the mesh in degrees

polar_max float

The maximum polar angle of the mesh in degrees

polar_bins int

The number of polar angle bins in the mesh

shape tuple[int, int, int, int]

The shape of the mesh array

dtype str

The stringified numpy dtype of the mesh array


Name Description

Serialize the class to a JSON string

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class MeshParameters:
    """Wrapper for the general parameters required to generate a mesh of ODE solutions

    A mesh for Spyral is a 4 dimensional array of solutions to the equations of motion (also
    called track or trajectory) through the AT-TPC detector. These parameters describe
    the shape of the mesh as well as the physical properties used to generate it.

    target: | GasMixtureTarget
        The target material
    particle: spyral_utils.nuclear.NucleusData
        The projectile
    bfield: float
        The magnetic field magnitude in T
    efield: float
        The electric field magnitude in V/m
    n_time_steps: int
        The number of ODE solver timesteps
    ke_min: float
        The minimum kinetic energy of the mesh in MeV
    ke_max: float
        The maximum kinetic energy of the mesh in MeV
    ke_bins: int
        The number of kinetic energy bins in the mesh
    polar_min: float
        The minimum polar angle of the mesh in degrees
    polar_max: float
        The maximum polar angle of the mesh in degrees
    polar_bins: int
        The number of polar angle bins in the mesh
    shape: tuple[int, int, int, int]
        The shape of the mesh array
    dtype: str
        The stringified numpy dtype of the mesh array

    serialize_json() -> str
        Serialize the class to a JSON string

    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget
    particle: NucleusData
    bfield: float  # T
    efield: float  # V/m
    n_time_steps: int
    ke_min: float  # MeV
    ke_max: float  # MeV
    ke_bins: int
    polar_min: float  # deg
    polar_max: float  # deg
    polar_bins: int
    shape: tuple[int, int, int, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: (-1, -1, -1, -1))
    dtype: str = ""

    def serialize_json(self) -> str:
        """Serialize the class to a JSON string

            A JSON string
        return json.dumps(
            default=lambda obj: {
                "particle": obj.particle.isotopic_symbol,
                "bfield": obj.bfield,
                "efield": obj.efield,
                "time_steps": obj.n_time_steps,
                "ke_min": obj.ke_min,
                "ke_max": obj.ke_max,
                "ke_bins": obj.ke_bins,
                "polar_min": obj.polar_min,
                "polar_max": obj.polar_max,
                "polar_bins": obj.polar_bins,
                "shape": obj.shape,
                "dtype": obj.dtype,

    def get_track_file_name(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.particle.isotopic_symbol}_in_{'(Gas)', '')}_{}Torr.npy"

    def get_track_meta_file_name(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.particle.isotopic_symbol}_in_{'(Gas)', '')}_{}Torr.json"


Serialize the class to a JSON string


Type Description

A JSON string

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def serialize_json(self) -> str:
    """Serialize the class to a JSON string

        A JSON string
    return json.dumps(
        default=lambda obj: {
            "particle": obj.particle.isotopic_symbol,
            "bfield": obj.bfield,
            "efield": obj.efield,
            "time_steps": obj.n_time_steps,
            "ke_min": obj.ke_min,
            "ke_max": obj.ke_max,
            "ke_bins": obj.ke_bins,
            "polar_min": obj.polar_min,
            "polar_max": obj.polar_max,
            "polar_bins": obj.polar_bins,
            "shape": obj.shape,
            "dtype": obj.dtype,

backward_z_bound_condition(t, state, Bfield, Efield, target, ejectile)

Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-z condition

Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached. Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match those given to the equation to be solved


Name Type Description Default
t float

time step, unused

state ndarray

the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)

Bfield float

the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused

Efield float

the magnitude of the electric field, unused

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

the material through which the particle travels, unused

ejectile NucleusData

ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused



Type Description

The difference between the current z position and the beginning of the detector (-1.0 m). When this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def backward_z_bound_condition(
    t: float,
    state: np.ndarray,
    Bfield: float,
    Efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    ejectile: NucleusData,
) -> float:
    """Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-z condition

    Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached.
    Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match
    those given to the equation to be solved

    t: float
        time step, unused
    state: ndarray
        the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
    Bfield: float
        the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused
    Efield: float
        the magnitude of the electric field, unused
    target: Target
        the material through which the particle travels, unused
    ejectile: NucleusData
        ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused

        The difference between the current z position and the beginning of the detector (-1.0 m). When
        this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

    return np.round(state[2] + 1.0, decimals=3)

check_mesh_metadata(track_path, params)

Check if track mesh meta data matches or if track mesh doesn't exist


Name Type Description Default
track_path Path

Path to the track mesh data

params MeshParameters

The parameters for this track mesh



Type Description

Returns False if the given meta data does not match If the metadata matches, the mesh shape and dtype are extracted from the meta file and placed into the parameters

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def check_mesh_metadata(track_path: Path, params: MeshParameters) -> bool:
    """Check if track mesh meta data matches or if track mesh doesn't exist

    track_path: pathlib.Path
        Path to the track mesh data
    params: MeshParamters
        The parameters for this track mesh

        Returns False if the given meta data does not match
        If the metadata matches, the mesh shape and dtype
        are extracted from the meta file and placed into the
    if track_path.exists():
        meta_path = track_path.parents[0] / params.get_track_meta_file_name()
        if not meta_path.exists():
            return False
        with open(meta_path, "r") as meta_file:
            meta_data = json.load(meta_file)
            if (
                params.particle.isotopic_symbol == meta_data["particle"]
                and == meta_data["gas"]
                and params.bfield == meta_data["bfield"]
                and params.efield == meta_data["efield"]
                and params.n_time_steps == meta_data["time_steps"]
                and params.ke_min == meta_data["ke_min"]
                and params.ke_max == meta_data["ke_max"]
                and params.ke_bins == meta_data["ke_bins"]
                and params.polar_min == meta_data["polar_min"]
                and params.polar_max == meta_data["polar_max"]
                and params.polar_bins == meta_data["polar_bins"]
                params.shape = tuple(meta_data["shape"])
                params.dtype = meta_data["dtype"]
                return True
    # Nothing to read, return false
    return False

equation_of_motion(t, state, Bfield, Efield, target, ejectile)

The equations of motion for a charged particle in a static electromagnetic field which experiences energy loss through some material.

Field directions are chosen based on standard AT-TPC configuration


Name Type Description Default
t float

time step

state ndarray

the state of the particle (x,y,z,gvx,gvy,gvz)

Bfield float

the magnitude of the magnetic field

Efield float

the magnitude of the electric field

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

the material through which the particle travels

ejectile NucleusData

ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data



Type Description

the derivatives of the state

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def equation_of_motion(
    t: float,
    state: np.ndarray,
    Bfield: float,
    Efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    ejectile: NucleusData,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """The equations of motion for a charged particle in a static electromagnetic field which experiences energy loss through some material.

    Field directions are chosen based on standard AT-TPC configuration

    t: float
        time step
    state: ndarray
        the state of the particle (x,y,z,gvx,gvy,gvz)
    Bfield: float
        the magnitude of the magnetic field
    Efield: float
        the magnitude of the electric field
    target: Target
        the material through which the particle travels
    ejectile: NucleusData
        ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data

        the derivatives of the state

    gv = math.sqrt(state[3] ** 2.0 + state[4] ** 2.0 + state[5] ** 2.0)
    beta = math.sqrt(gv**2.0 / (1.0 + gv**2.0))
    gamma = gv / beta

    unit_vector = state[3:] / gv  # direction
    velo = unit_vector * beta * C  # convert to m/s
    kinetic_energy = ejectile.mass * (gamma - 1.0)  # MeV

    charge_c = ejectile.Z * E_CHARGE
    mass_kg = ejectile.mass * MEV_2_KG
    q_m = charge_c / mass_kg

    deceleration = (
        target.get_dedx(ejectile, kinetic_energy) * MEV_2_JOULE * target.density * 100.0
    ) / mass_kg
    results = np.zeros(6)
    results[0] = velo[0]
    results[1] = velo[1]
    results[2] = velo[2]
    results[3] = (q_m * velo[1] * Bfield - deceleration * unit_vector[0]) / C
    results[4] = (q_m * (-1.0 * velo[0] * Bfield) - deceleration * unit_vector[1]) / C
    results[5] = (q_m * Efield - deceleration * unit_vector[2]) / C

    return results

forward_z_bound_condition(t, state, Bfield, Efield, target, ejectile)

Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-z condition

Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached. Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match those given to the equation to be solved


Name Type Description Default
t float

time step, unused

state ndarray

the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)

Bfield float

the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused

Efield float

the magnitude of the electric field, unused

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

the material through which the particle travels, unused

ejectile NucleusData

ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused



Type Description

The difference between the current z position and the length of the detector (1m). When this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def forward_z_bound_condition(
    t: float,
    state: np.ndarray,
    Bfield: float,
    Efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    ejectile: NucleusData,
) -> float:
    """Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-z condition

    Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached.
    Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match
    those given to the equation to be solved

    t: float
        time step, unused
    state: ndarray
        the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
    Bfield: float
        the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused
    Efield: float
        the magnitude of the electric field, unused
    target: Target
        the material through which the particle travels, unused
    ejectile: NucleusData
        ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused

        The difference between the current z position and the length of the detector (1m). When
        this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

    return np.round(state[2] - 1.0, decimals=3)

generate_interpolated_track(vx, vy, vz, polar, azim, ke, particle, bfield, efield, target, n_time_steps=1000)

Get a single interpolated trajectory given some initial state and system parameters


Name Type Description Default
vx float

Vertex x-coordinate in m

vy float

Vertex y-coordinate in m

vz float

Vertex z-coordinate in m

polar float

Polar angle in radians

azim float

azimuthal angle in radians

ke float

Kinetic energy in MeV

particle NucleusData

The particle of interest

bfield float

The magnetic field in Tesla

efield float

The electric field in V/m

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

The target material

n_time_steps int

The number of timesteps used by the solver



Type Description
LinearInterpolator | None

Returns a LinearInterpolator, which interpolates the trajectory upon z for x,y or None when the algorithm fails

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def generate_interpolated_track(
    vx: float,
    vy: float,
    vz: float,
    polar: float,
    azim: float,
    ke: float,
    particle: NucleusData,
    bfield: float,
    efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    n_time_steps: int = 1000,
) -> LinearInterpolator | None:
    """Get a single interpolated trajectory given some initial state and system parameters

    vx: float
        Vertex x-coordinate in m
    vy: float
        Vertex y-coordinate in m
    vz: float
        Vertex z-coordinate in m
    polar: float
        Polar angle in radians
    azim: float
        azimuthal angle in radians
    ke: float
        Kinetic energy in MeV
    particle: NucleusData
        The particle of interest
    bfield: float
        The magnetic field in Tesla
    efield: float
        The electric field in V/m
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget
        The target material
    n_time_steps: int
        The number of timesteps used by the solver
    LinearInterpolator | None
        Returns a LinearInterpolator, which interpolates the trajectory upon z for x,y or None when the algorithm fails

    # Termination conditions
    stop_condition.terminal = True
    stop_condition.direction = -1.0
    forward_z_bound_condition.terminal = True
    forward_z_bound_condition.direction = 1.0
    backward_z_bound_condition.terminal = True
    backward_z_bound_condition.direction = -1.0
    rho_bound_condition.terminal = True
    rho_bound_condition.direction = 1.0

    # Setup initial state
    gamma = ke / particle.mass + 1.0
    speed = math.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / (gamma**2.0))
    gv = gamma * speed
    initial_state = np.array(
            gv * math.sin(polar) * math.cos(azim),
            gv * math.sin(polar) * math.sin(azim),
            gv * math.cos(polar),

    # Solve coarsely to deterimine problem timescale
    trajectory = solve_ivp(
        (0.0, COARSE_TIME_WINDOW),
        args=(bfield, efield, target, particle),
    longest_time = trajectory.t[-1]

    # Solve with refined scale to produce best results
    time_steps = np.linspace(0.0, longest_time, num=n_time_steps)
    trajectory = solve_ivp(
        (0.0, longest_time),
        args=(bfield, efield, target, particle),
    trajectory = trajectory.y.T
    if len(trajectory) < 2:
        return None

    # Handle data > 90 deg. LinearInterpolator requires x data (z in our case) to be monotonically increasing
    # So flip the array along axis 0 (flipud). Also trim data where sometimes particle starts going backward
    # due to efield
    if polar > np.pi * 0.5:
        trajectory = np.flipud(trajectory)
        mask = np.diff(np.ascontiguousarray(trajectory[:, 2])) > 0
        mask = np.append(mask, True)
        trajectory = trajectory[mask]

    return LinearInterpolator(trajectory[:, 2], trajectory[:, :2].T)

generate_track_mesh(params, track_path, meta_path)

Generate a mesh of tracks given some parameters and write them to an npy file at a path.

Creates a 4-dimensional array (mesh) of ODE solutions (also called tracks or trajectories) and writes them to disk. The dimensions are as follows: time x initial energy x inital polar angle x position. This mesh can then be used to interpolate and find an approximate solution for a given energy, polar angle.

In many cases of AT-TPC analysis, it is diffcult to pre-estimate the time window needed to cover the full trajectory. To compensate, Spyral will do a first pass over the mesh using a coarse 1us time window. It will then estimate a finer time window based off of the results of this first pass, and then generate the mesh.


Name Type Description Default
params MeshParameters

parameters which control the tracks

track_path Path

where to write the tracks to

meta_path Path

where to write the track metadata to

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def generate_track_mesh(params: MeshParameters, track_path: Path, meta_path: Path):
    """Generate a mesh of tracks given some parameters and write them to an npy file at a path.

    Creates a 4-dimensional array (mesh) of ODE solutions (also called tracks or trajectories) and
    writes them to disk. The dimensions are as follows: time x initial energy x inital polar angle x position.
    This mesh can then be used to interpolate and find an approximate solution for a given energy, polar angle.

    In many cases of AT-TPC analysis, it is diffcult to pre-estimate the time window needed to cover the full
    trajectory. To compensate, Spyral will do a first pass over the mesh using a coarse 1us time window.
    It will then estimate a finer time window based off of the results of this first pass, and then generate the

    params: InterpolatorParameters
        parameters which control the tracks
    track_path: pathlib.Path
        where to write the tracks to
    meta_path: pathlib.Path
        where to write the track metadata to

    size_bytes = calculate_mesh_size(
        params.ke_bins, params.polar_bins, params.n_time_steps
    system_mem = psutil.virtual_memory().total
    if size_bytes > system_mem * 0.5:
            "WARNING - Your mesh is over half your reported physical memory in size, are you sure you've got the space for this?"
            "Mesh over half physical memory in size. Warning was issued to user.",

    kes = np.linspace(params.ke_min, params.ke_max, params.ke_bins)
    polars = np.linspace(
        params.polar_min * DEG2RAD, params.polar_max * DEG2RAD, params.polar_bins

    # time x (x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) x ke x polar
    data = np.zeros(
        shape=(params.n_time_steps, 3, params.ke_bins, params.polar_bins),

    initial_state = np.zeros(6)

    bfield = -1.0 * params.bfield
    efield = -1.0 * params.efield

    total_iters = params.polar_bins * params.ke_bins
    count = 0
    flush_percent = 0.01
    flush_val = int(flush_percent * total_iters)
    flush_count = 0

    longest_time = 0.0

    # Set the conditions to be terminal for a given direction (approaching from positive or negative slope)
    # See scipy docs for details
    stop_condition.terminal = True
    stop_condition.direction = -1.0
    forward_z_bound_condition.terminal = True
    forward_z_bound_condition.direction = 1.0
    backward_z_bound_condition.terminal = True
    backward_z_bound_condition.direction = -1.0
    rho_bound_condition.terminal = True
    rho_bound_condition.direction = 1.0

    print("Optimizing time range...")

    # First narrow the time range to the relevant size for the problem
    for e in kes:
        for p in polars:
            count += 1
            if count == flush_val:
                count = 0
                flush_count += 1
                    f"\rPercent of mesh evaluated: {int(flush_count * flush_percent * 100)}%",

            initial_state[:] = 0.0

            gamma = e / params.particle.mass + 1.0
            speed = math.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / (gamma**2.0))
            gv = gamma * speed
            initial_state[3] = gv * math.sin(p)
            initial_state[5] = gv * math.cos(p)
            result = solve_ivp(
                (0.0, COARSE_TIME_WINDOW),
                args=(bfield, efield,, params.particle),
            longest_time = max(longest_time, result.t[-1])

    print(f"Estimated time window: {longest_time}")
    time_steps = np.geomspace(1.0e-11, longest_time, num=params.n_time_steps)
    # time_steps = np.linspace(0.0, longest_time, num=params.n_time_steps)
    flush_count = 0

    print("Generating mesh...")
    # Now redo solving, using the maximum time estimated from the first pass
    for eidx, e in enumerate(kes):
        for pidx, p in enumerate(polars):
            count += 1
            if count == flush_val:
                count = 0
                flush_count += 1
                    f"\rPercent of mesh generated: {int(flush_count * flush_percent * 100)}%",

            initial_state[:] = 0.0
            gamma = e / params.particle.mass + 1.0
            speed = math.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / (gamma**2.0))
            gv = gamma * speed
            initial_state[3] = gv * math.sin(p)
            initial_state[5] = gv * math.cos(p)
            result = solve_ivp(
                (0.0, longest_time),
                args=(bfield, efield,, params.particle),
            trajectory = result.y.T
            last_index = len(trajectory)
            data[:last_index, :, eidx, pidx] = trajectory[:, :3]
            if last_index < params.n_time_steps:
                # Stopped, so remaining time is just final position
                data[last_index:, :, eidx, pidx] = trajectory[-1, :3]

    # Write out the results and metadata, data)
    # Get the mesh shape and type
    params.shape = data.shape  # type: ignore
    params.dtype = str(data.dtype)
    with open(meta_path, "w") as metafile:

rho_bound_condition(t, state, Bfield, Efield, target, ejectile)

Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-rho condition

Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached. Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match those given to the equation to be solved

Note here that the edge in rho (292 mm) is padded by 30 mm to account for conditions where the vertex is off axis


Name Type Description Default
t float

time step, unused

state ndarray

the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)

Bfield float

the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused

Efield float

the magnitude of the electric field, unused

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

the material through which the particle travels, unused

ejectile NucleusData

ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused



Type Description

The difference between the current z position and the maximum rho of the detector (332 mm). When this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def rho_bound_condition(
    t: float,
    state: np.ndarray,
    Bfield: float,
    Efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    ejectile: NucleusData,
) -> float:
    """Detect if a solution has reached the end-of-detector-in-rho condition

    Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached.
    Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match
    those given to the equation to be solved

    Note here that the edge in rho (292 mm) is padded by 30 mm to account for conditions where the vertex is off axis

    t: float
        time step, unused
    state: ndarray
        the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
    Bfield: float
        the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused
    Efield: float
        the magnitude of the electric field, unused
    target: Target
        the material through which the particle travels, unused
    ejectile: NucleusData
        ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data, unused

        The difference between the current z position and the maximum rho of the detector (332 mm). When
        this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

    return np.round(float(np.linalg.norm(state[:2])) - 0.332, decimals=3)

stop_condition(t, state, Bfield, Efield, target, ejectile)

Detect if a solution has reached the low-energy stopping condition

Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached. Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match those given to the equation to be solved


Name Type Description Default
t float

time step, unused

state ndarray

the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)

Bfield float

the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused

Efield float

the magnitude of the electric field, unused

target GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget

the material through which the particle travels, unused

ejectile NucleusData

ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data



Type Description

The difference between the kinetic energy and the lower limit. When this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def stop_condition(
    t: float,
    state: np.ndarray,
    Bfield: float,
    Efield: float,
    target: GasTarget | GasMixtureTarget,
    ejectile: NucleusData,
) -> float:
    """Detect if a solution has reached the low-energy stopping condition

    Terminate the integration of the ivp if the condition specified has been reached.
    Scipy finds the roots of this function with the ivp. The parameters must match
    those given to the equation to be solved

    t: float
        time step, unused
    state: ndarray
        the state of the particle (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
    Bfield: float
        the magnitude of the magnetic field, unused
    Efield: float
        the magnitude of the electric field, unused
    target: Target
        the material through which the particle travels, unused
    ejectile: NucleusData
        ejectile (from the reaction) nucleus data

        The difference between the kinetic energy and the lower limit. When
        this function returns zero the termination condition has been reached.

    gv = math.sqrt(state[3] ** 2.0 + state[4] ** 2.0 + state[5] ** 2.0)
    beta = math.sqrt(gv**2.0 / (1.0 + gv**2.0))
    gamma = gv / beta
    kinetic_energy = ejectile.mass * (gamma - 1.0)  # MeV
    mass_u = ejectile.mass / AMU_2_MEV
    proj = catima.Projectile(mass_u, ejectile.Z)  # type: ignore
    proj.T(kinetic_energy / mass_u)
    return (
        catima.calculate(proj, target.material).range / target.density * 0.01
        - RANGE_LIMIT
    )  # type: ignore