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run_stacks Module

Functionality related to retrieving raw AT-TPC trace runs and balancing the load in multiprocessing

collect_runs(trace_path, run_min, run_max, runs_to_skip)

Make dict of runs with the size of the raw data file

Using the Workspace and the Config run_min and run_max, get a dict of run numbers to be processed and sort the list based on the size of the raw trace files. The dict key is the run number, and the associated data is the size of the raw trace file. Runs that do not exist or have no data are ommitted from the list.


Name Type Description Default
trace_path Path

the path to AT-TPC trace data

run_min int

the first run, inclusive

run_max int

the last run, inclusive

runs_to_skip list[int]

list of run numbers to skip (if any)



Type Description
dict[int, int]

a dictionary where the keys are run numbers and the values are the size of the associated raw trace files. The dict is sorted descending on the size of the raw trace files.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def collect_runs(
    trace_path: Path, run_min: int, run_max: int, runs_to_skip: list[int]
) -> dict[int, int]:
    """Make dict of runs with the size of the raw data file

    Using the Workspace and the Config run_min and run_max, get a dict of run numbers to be processed
    and sort the list based on the size of the raw trace files. The dict key is the run number, and the
    associated data is the size of the raw trace file. Runs that do not exist or have no data are ommitted
    from the list.

    trace_path: pathlib.Path
        the path to AT-TPC trace data
    run_min: int
        the first run, inclusive
    run_max: int
        the last run, inclusive
    runs_to_skip: list[int]
        list of run numbers to skip (if any)

    dict[int, int]
        a dictionary where the keys are run numbers and the values are the size of the associated raw trace files. The
        dict is sorted descending on the size of the raw trace files.
    run_dict = {
        run: get_size_path(trace_path / f"{form_run_string(run)}.h5")
        for run in range(run_min, run_max + 1)
        if (get_size_path(trace_path / f"{form_run_string(run)}.h5") != 0)
        and run not in runs_to_skip
    run_dict = dict(sorted(run_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
    return run_dict

create_run_stacks(trace_path, run_min, run_max, n_stacks, runs_to_skip)

Create a set of runs to be processed for each stack in n_stacks.

Each stack is intended to be handed off to a single processor. As such, the goal is to balance the load of work across all of the stacks. collect_runs is used to retrieve the list of runs sorted on their sizes. The list of stacks is then snaked, depositing one run in each stack in each iteration. This seems to provide a fairly balanced load without too much effort.


Name Type Description Default
trace_path Path

The path to AT-TPC traces

run_min int

The minimum run number, inclusive

run_max int

The maximum run number, inclusive

n_stacks int

the number of stacks, should be equal to number of processors

runs_to_skip list[int]

list of run numbers to skip (if any)



Type Description
tuple[list[list[int]], list[float]]

The stacks and their approximate load. Each stack is a list of ints, where each value is a run number for that stack to process. The first element of the tuple is the stacks the second element is the percent load in each stack estimated from the trace data.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def create_run_stacks(
    trace_path: Path, run_min: int, run_max: int, n_stacks: int, runs_to_skip: list[int]
) -> tuple[list[list[int]], list[float]]:
    """Create a set of runs to be processed for each stack in n_stacks.

    Each stack is intended to be handed off to a single processor. As such,
    the goal is to balance the load of work across all of the stacks. collect_runs
    is used to retrieve the list of runs sorted on their sizes. The list of stacks
    is then snaked, depositing one run in each stack in each iteration.
    This seems to provide a fairly balanced load without too much effort.

    trace_path: pathlib.Path
        The path to AT-TPC traces
    run_min: int
        The minimum run number, inclusive
    run_max: int
        The maximum run number, inclusive
    n_stacks: int
        the number of stacks, should be equal to number of processors
    runs_to_skip: list[int]
        list of run numbers to skip (if any)

    tuple[list[list[int]], list[float]]
        The stacks and their approximate load. Each stack is a list of ints, where each value is a run
        number for that stack to process. The first element of the tuple is the stacks the second element
        is the percent load in each stack estimated from the trace data.


    # create an empty list for each stack
    stacks = [[] for _ in range(0, n_stacks)]
    total_load = 0
    load_per_stack = [0 for _ in range(0, n_stacks)]
    sorted_runs = collect_runs(trace_path, run_min, run_max, runs_to_skip)
    if len(sorted_runs) == 0:
        return stacks, [0.0 for _ in load_per_stack]

    # Snake through the stacks, putting the next run in the next stack
    # This should put the most equal data load across the stacks
    stack_index = 0
    reverse = False
    for run, size in sorted_runs.items():
        if stack_index != -1 and stack_index != n_stacks:
            load_per_stack[stack_index] += size
        elif stack_index == -1:
            stack_index += 1
            load_per_stack[stack_index] += size
            reverse = False
        elif stack_index == n_stacks:
            stack_index -= 1
            load_per_stack[stack_index] += size
            reverse = True
        total_load += size

        if reverse:
            stack_index -= 1
            stack_index += 1

    # Remove any unused processors
    stacks = [s for s in stacks if len(s) != 0]
    percent_load = [float(load / total_load) * 100.0 for load in load_per_stack]

    return stacks, percent_load


Make the run_* string


Name Type Description Default
run_number int

The run number



Type Description

The run string

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def form_run_string(run_number: int) -> str:
    """Make the run_* string

    run_number: int
        The run number

        The run string
    return f"run_{run_number:04d}"


Get the size of a path item.


Name Type Description Default
path Path

the path item to be inspected



Type Description

the size of the item at the given path, or 0 if no item exists.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def get_size_path(path: Path) -> int:
    Get the size of a path item.

    path: pathlib.Path
        the path item to be inspected

        the size of the item at the given path, or 0 if no item exists.
    if not path.exists():
        return 0
        return path.stat().st_size