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config Module

The config module describes the Spyral configuration object and its sub-categories.

ClusterParameters dataclass

Parameters for clustering, cluster joining, and cluster cleaning


Name Type Description
min_cloud_size int

The minimum size for a point cloud to be clustered

min_points int

min_samples parameter in scikit-learns' HDBSCAN algorithm

min_size_scale_factor int

Factor which is multiplied by the number of points in a point cloud to set the min_cluster_size parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm

min_size_lower_cutoff int

min_cluster_size parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm for events where n_points * min_size_scale_factor are less than this value.

cluster_selection_epsilon float

cluster_selection_epsilon parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm. Clusters less than this distance apart are merged in the hierarchy

min_cluster_size_join int

The minimum size of a cluster for it to be included in the joining algorithm

circle_overlap_ratio float

minimum overlap ratio between two circles in the cluster joining algorithm

outlier_scale_factor float

Factor which is multiplied by the number of points in a trajectory to set the number of neighbors parameter for scikit-learns LocalOutlierFactor test

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class ClusterParameters:
    """Parameters for clustering, cluster joining, and cluster cleaning

    min_cloud_size: int
        The minimum size for a point cloud to be clustered
    min_points: int
        min_samples parameter in scikit-learns' HDBSCAN algorithm
    min_size_scale_factor: int
        Factor which is multiplied by the number of points in a point cloud to set
        the min_cluster_size parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm
    min_size_lower_cutoff: int
        min_cluster_size parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm for events where n_points * min_size_scale_factor
        are less than this value.
    cluster_selection_epsilon: float
        cluster_selection_epsilon parameter in scikit-learn's HDBSCAN algorithm. Clusters less than this distance apart
        are merged in the hierarchy
    min_cluster_size_join: int
        The minimum size of a cluster for it to be included in the joining algorithm
    circle_overlap_ratio: float
        minimum overlap ratio between two circles in the cluster joining algorithm
    outlier_scale_factor: float
        Factor which is multiplied by the number of points in a trajectory to set the number of neighbors parameter
        for scikit-learns LocalOutlierFactor test

    min_cloud_size: int
    min_points: int
    min_size_scale_factor: float
    min_size_lower_cutoff: int
    cluster_selection_epsilon: float
    overlap_join: OverlapJoinParameters | None
    continuity_join: ContinuityJoinParameters | None
    outlier_scale_factor: float

ContinuityJoinParameters dataclass

Parameters for joining clusters based on continuity


Name Type Description
join_radius_fraction float

The percent difference allowed for the cylindrical radius. Used as radius_threshold = join_radius_fraction * (max_radius - min_radius) where max_radius and min_radius are the maximum, minimum radius value over both clusters being compared

join_z_fraction float

The percent difference allowed for the cylindrical z. Used as z_threshold = join_z_fraction * (max_z - min_z) where max_z and min_z are the maximum, minimum z value over both clusters being compared

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class ContinuityJoinParameters:
    """Parameters for joining clusters based on continuity

    join_radius_fraction: float
        The percent difference allowed for the cylindrical radius. Used as
        radius_threshold = join_radius_fraction * (max_radius - min_radius)
        where max_radius and min_radius are the maximum, minimum radius value over both
        clusters being compared
    join_z_fraction: float
        The percent difference allowed for the cylindrical z. Used as
        z_threshold = join_z_fraction * (max_z - min_z)
        where max_z and min_z are the maximum, minimum z value over both
        clusters being compared


    join_radius_fraction: float
    join_z_fraction: float

DetectorParameters dataclass

Parameters describing the detector configuration


Name Type Description
magnetic_field float

The magnitude of the magnetic field in Tesla

electric_field float

The magnitude of the electric field in V/m

detector_length float

The detector length in mm

beam_region_radius float

The beam region radius in mm

micromegas_time_bucket float

The micromegas time reference in GET time buckets

window_time_bucket float

The window time reference in GET time buckets

get_frequency float

The GET DAQ sampling frequency in MHz. Typically 3.125 or 6.25

garfield_file_path str

Path to a Garfield simulation file containing electron drift corrections

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class DetectorParameters:
    """Parameters describing the detector configuration

    magnetic_field: float
        The magnitude of the magnetic field in Tesla
    electric_field: float
        The magnitude of the electric field in V/m
    detector_length: float
        The detector length in mm
    beam_region_radius: float
        The beam region radius in mm
    micromegas_time_bucket: float
        The micromegas time reference in GET time buckets
    window_time_bucket: float
        The window time reference in GET time buckets
    get_frequency: float
        The GET DAQ sampling frequency in MHz. Typically 3.125 or 6.25
    garfield_file_path: str
        Path to a Garfield simulation file containing electron drift corrections


    magnetic_field: float  # Tesla
    electric_field: float  # V/m
    detector_length: float  # mm
    beam_region_radius: float  # mm
    micromegas_time_bucket: float
    window_time_bucket: float
    get_frequency: float  # MHz
    garfield_file_path: Path
    do_garfield_correction: bool

EstimateParameters dataclass

Parameters for physics estimation


Name Type Description
min_total_trajectory_points int

minimum number of points in a cluster for the cluster to be considered a particle trajectory

smoothing_factor float

smoothing factor for creation of smoothing splines. See scipy's documentaion for make_smoothing_splines and in particular the lam parameter for more details.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class EstimateParameters:
    """Parameters for physics estimation

    min_total_trajectory_points: int
        minimum number of points in a cluster for the cluster to be considered a particle trajectory
    smoothing_factor: float
        smoothing factor for creation of smoothing splines. See scipy's documentaion for make_smoothing_splines
        and in particular the lam parameter for more details.

    min_total_trajectory_points: int
    smoothing_factor: float

FribParameters dataclass

Parameters for FRIBDAQ (IC, Si, etc) trace signal analysis


Name Type Description
baseline_window_scale float

The scale factor for the basline correction algorithm

peak_separation float

The peak separation parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_prominence float

The peak prominence parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_max_width float

The maximum peak width parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_threshold float

The minimum amplitude of a valid peak

ic_delay_time_bucket int

The delay to the IC signal in FRIB TimeBuckets. All IC peaks before this TB are ignored when considering IC multiplicity/validity

ic_multiplicity int

The maximum allowed ion chamber multiplicity

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class FribParameters:
    """Parameters for FRIBDAQ (IC, Si, etc) trace signal analysis

    baseline_window_scale: float
        The scale factor for the basline correction algorithm
    peak_separation: float
        The peak separation parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_prominence: float
        The peak prominence parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_max_width: float
        The maximum peak width parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_threshold: float
        The minimum amplitude of a valid peak
    ic_delay_time_bucket: int
        The delay to the IC signal in FRIB TimeBuckets. All IC peaks
        before this TB are ignored when considering IC multiplicity/validity
    ic_multiplicity: int
        The maximum allowed ion chamber multiplicity

    baseline_window_scale: float
    peak_separation: float
    peak_prominence: float
    peak_max_width: float
    peak_threshold: float
    ic_delay_time_bucket: int
    ic_multiplicity: int

GetParameters dataclass

Parameters for GET trace signal analysis


Name Type Description
baseline_window_scale float

The scale factor for the basline correction algorithm

peak_separation float

The peak separation parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_prominence float

The peak prominence parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_max_width float

The maximum peak width parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks

peak_threshold float

The minimum amplitude of a valid peak

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class GetParameters:
    """Parameters for GET trace signal analysis

    baseline_window_scale: float
        The scale factor for the basline correction algorithm
    peak_separation: float
        The peak separation parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_prominence: float
        The peak prominence parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_max_width: float
        The maximum peak width parameter used in scipy.signal.find_peaks
    peak_threshold: float
        The minimum amplitude of a valid peak

    baseline_window_scale: float
    peak_separation: float
    peak_prominence: float
    peak_max_width: float
    peak_threshold: float

OverlapJoinParameters dataclass

Parameters for joining clusters based on area of overlap


Name Type Description
min_cluster_size_join int

The minimum size of a cluster for it to be included in the joining algorithm

circle_overlap_ratio float

Minimum overlap ratio between two circles in the cluster joining algorithm. Used as area_overlap > circle_overlap_ratio * (min_area) where area_overlap is the area overlap and min_area is the minimum area of the two clusters being compared

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class OverlapJoinParameters:
    """Parameters for joining clusters based on area of overlap

    min_cluster_size_join: int
        The minimum size of a cluster for it to be included in the joining algorithm
    circle_overlap_ratio: float
        Minimum overlap ratio between two circles in the cluster joining algorithm. Used
        as area_overlap > circle_overlap_ratio * (min_area) where area_overlap is the
        area overlap and min_area is the minimum area of the two clusters being compared

    circle_overlap_ratio: float
    min_cluster_size_join: int

PadParameters dataclass

Parameters describing the pad map paths


Name Type Description
pad_geometry_path Path

Path to the csv file containing the pad geometry. If set to DEFAULT_MAP uses the packaged maps.

pad_gain_path Path

Path to the csv file containing the relative pad gains. If set to DEFAULT_MAP uses the packaged maps.

pad_time_path Path

Path to the csv file containing the pad time corrections. If set to DEFAULT_MAP uses the packaged maps.

pad_electronics_path Path

Path to the csv file containing the pad electronics ids. If set to DEFAULT_MAP uses the packaged maps.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class PadParameters:
    """Parameters describing the pad map paths

    pad_geometry_path: Path
        Path to the csv file containing the pad geometry. If set to DEFAULT_MAP
        uses the packaged maps.
    pad_gain_path: Path
        Path to the csv file containing the relative pad gains. If set to DEFAULT_MAP
        uses the packaged maps.
    pad_time_path: Path
        Path to the csv file containing the pad time corrections. If set to DEFAULT_MAP
        uses the packaged maps.
    pad_electronics_path: Path
        Path to the csv file containing the pad electronics ids. If set to DEFAULT_MAP
        uses the packaged maps.

    pad_geometry_path: Path
    pad_time_path: Path
    pad_electronics_path: Path
    pad_scale_path: Path

SolverParameters dataclass

Parameters for physics solving


Name Type Description
gas_data_path str

Path to a spyral-utils GasTarget or GasMixtureTarget file

particle_id_filename str

Name of a particle ID cut file

ic_min_val float

Low value the desired beam region of the ion chamber spectrum

ic_max_value float

High value the desired beam region of the ion chamber spectrum

n_time_steps int

The number of timesteps used in the ODE solver

interp_ke_min float

The minimum value of kinetic energy used in the interpolation scheme in MeV

interp_ke_max float

The maximum value of kinetic energy used in the interpolation scheme in MeV

interp_ke_bins int

The number of kinetic energy bins used in the interpolation scheme

interp_polar_min float

The minimum value of polar angle used in the interpolation scheme in degrees

interp_polar_max float

The maximum value of polar angle used in the interpolation scheme in degrees

interp_polar_bins int

The number of polar angle bins used in the interpolation scheme

fit_vertex_rho bool

Control whether or not the vertex rho position is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)

fit_vertex_phi bool

Control whether or not the vertex phi position is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)

fit_azimuthal bool

Control whether or not the trajectory azimuthal angle is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)

fit_method str

What type of fitting to use, options are "lbfgsb" or "leastsq"

Source code in src/spyral/core/
class SolverParameters:
    """Parameters for physics solving

    gas_data_path: str
        Path to a spyral-utils GasTarget or GasMixtureTarget file
    particle_id_filename: str
        Name of a particle ID cut file
    ic_min_val: float
        Low value the desired beam region of the ion chamber spectrum
    ic_max_value: float
        High value the desired beam region of the ion chamber spectrum
    n_time_steps: int
        The number of timesteps used in the ODE solver
    interp_ke_min: float
        The minimum value of kinetic energy used in the interpolation scheme in MeV
    interp_ke_max: float
        The maximum value of kinetic energy used in the interpolation scheme in MeV
    interp_ke_bins: int
        The number of kinetic energy bins used in the interpolation scheme
    interp_polar_min: float
        The minimum value of polar angle used in the interpolation scheme in degrees
    interp_polar_max: float
        The maximum value of polar angle used in the interpolation scheme in degrees
    interp_polar_bins: int
        The number of polar angle bins used in the interpolation scheme
    fit_vertex_rho: bool
        Control whether or not the vertex rho position is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)
    fit_vertex_phi: bool
        Control whether or not the vertex phi position is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)
    fit_azimuthal: bool
        Control whether or not the trajectory azimuthal angle is fitted (True=fitted, False=fixed)
    fit_method: str
        What type of fitting to use, options are "lbfgsb" or "leastsq"

    gas_data_path: Path
    particle_id_filename: Path
    ic_min_val: float
    ic_max_val: float
    n_time_steps: int
    interp_ke_min: float
    interp_ke_max: float
    interp_ke_bins: int
    interp_polar_min: float
    interp_polar_max: float
    interp_polar_bins: int
    fit_vertex_rho: bool
    fit_vertex_phi: bool
    fit_azimuthal: bool
    fit_method: str

calculate_window_time(micromegas_time_bucket, drift_velocity, detector_length, get_frequency)

Calculate the window time from a drift velocity

Given a known micromegas time, drift velocity, detector length, and GET sampling frequency calculate the expected window time.


Name Type Description Default
micromegas_time_bucket float

The micromegas time in GET Time Buckets

drift_velocity float

The electron drift velocity in mm/us

detector_length float

The detector length in mm

get_frequency float

The GET electronics sampling frequency



Type Description

The window time in GET time buckets

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def calculate_window_time(
    micromegas_time_bucket: float,
    drift_velocity: float,
    detector_length: float,
    get_frequency: float,
) -> float:
    """Calculate the window time from a drift velocity

    Given a known micromegas time, drift velocity, detector length, and GET sampling frequency
    calculate the expected window time.

    micromegas_time_bucket: float
        The micromegas time in GET Time Buckets
    drift_velocity: float
        The electron drift velocity in mm/us
    detector_length: float
        The detector length in mm
    get_frequency: float
        The GET electronics sampling frequency

        The window time in GET time buckets
    return (detector_length / drift_velocity) * get_frequency + micromegas_time_bucket