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clusterize Module

The clusterize module describes the methods used to convert a raw point cloud into a trajectory cluster.

cleanup_clusters(clusters, params, labels)

Converts the LabeledClouds to Clusters

In this conversion, the LocalOutlierFactor algorithm is applied to the data to remove any spurious points.


Name Type Description Default
clusters list[LabeledCloud]

clusters to clean

params ClusterParameters

Configuration parameters controlling the clustering algorithms

labels ndarray

The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud



Type Description
tuple[list[Cluster], ndarray]

A two element tuple, the first the list of cleaned clusters, the second being an updated list of labels for each point in the point cloud

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def cleanup_clusters(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[Cluster], np.ndarray]:
    """Converts the LabeledClouds to Clusters

    In this conversion, the LocalOutlierFactor algorithm is applied to the data
    to remove any spurious points.

    clusters: list[LabeledCloud]
        clusters to clean
    params: ClusterParameters
        Configuration parameters controlling the clustering algorithms
    labels: numpy.ndarray
        The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud

    tuple[list[Cluster], numpy.ndarray]
        A two element tuple, the first the list of cleaned clusters,
        the second being an updated list of labels for each point in
        the point cloud
    cleaned = []
    for cluster in clusters:
        # Cluster must have more than two points to have outlier test applied
        if cluster.label == NOISE_LABEL or len(cluster.point_cloud) < 2:
        cleaned_cluster, outliers = convert_labeled_to_cluster(cluster, params)
        if len(outliers) == 0:
        orig_indicies = (cluster.parent_indicies[outliers]).astype(dtype=np.int32)
        labels[orig_indicies] = NOISE_LABEL
    return (cleaned, labels)

form_clusters(pc, params)

Apply the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm to a PointCloud

Analyze a point cloud, and group the points into clusters which in principle should correspond to particle trajectories. This analysis revolves around the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm implemented in scikit-learn See their description for details. We trim illegal (out-of-bounds) points from the point cloud, and cluster on spatial dimensions (x,y,z). Z is rescaled to match the X-Y scale to avoid over-emphasizing separation in Z in the clustering algorithm. The minimum size of a cluster is scaled off of the size of the original point cloud.


Name Type Description Default
pc PointCloud

The point cloud to be clustered

params ClusterParameters

Configuration parameters controlling the clustering algorithms



Type Description
tuple[list[LabeledCloud], ndarray]

Two element tuple, the first being a ist of clusters found by the algorithm with labels the second being an array of length of the point cloud with each element conatining that point's label.

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def form_clusters(
    pc: PointCloud, params: ClusterParameters
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """Apply the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm to a PointCloud

    Analyze a point cloud, and group the points into clusters which in principle should correspond to particle trajectories.
    This analysis revolves around the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm implemented in scikit-learn
    See [their description]( for details. We trim
    illegal (out-of-bounds) points from the point cloud, and cluster on spatial dimensions (x,y,z). Z is rescaled to match the X-Y
    scale to avoid over-emphasizing separation in Z in the clustering algorithm. The minimum size of a cluster is scaled off of the
    size of the original point cloud.

    pc: PointCloud
        The point cloud to be clustered
    params: ClusterParameters
        Configuration parameters controlling the clustering algorithms

    tuple[list[LabeledCloud], numpy.ndarray]
        Two element tuple, the first being a ist of clusters found by the algorithm with labels
        the second being an array of length of the point cloud with each element conatining
        that point's label.

    if len(pc) < params.min_cloud_size:
        return ([], np.empty(0))

    n_points = len(pc)
    min_size = int(params.min_size_scale_factor * n_points)
    if min_size < params.min_size_lower_cutoff:
        min_size = params.min_size_lower_cutoff

    # Use spatial dimensions
    cluster_data = np.empty(shape=(len(pc), 3))
    cluster_data[:, :] =[:, :3]

    # Rescale z to have same dims as x,y. Otherwise clusters too likely to break on z
    cluster_data[:, 2] *= 584.0 / 1000.0

    clusterizer = skcluster.HDBSCAN(  # type: ignore

    fitted_clusters =
    labels = np.unique(fitted_clusters.labels_)

    # Select out data into clusters
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud] = []
    for label in labels:
        mask = fitted_clusters.labels_ == label
    return (clusters, fitted_clusters.labels_)

join_clusters(clusters, params, labels)

Detect which joining algorithm to use and dispatch

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def join_clusters(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """Detect which joining algorithm to use and dispatch"""
    if params.continuity_join is not None:
        return join_clusters_continuity(clusters, params, labels)
    elif params.overlap_join is not None:
        return join_clusters_overlap(clusters, params, labels)
        raise ClusterError(
            "No joining parameters were given! Clustering cannot proceed."

join_clusters_continuity(clusters, params, labels)

Join clusters until either only one cluster is left or no clusters meet the criteria to be joined together.


Name Type Description Default
clusters list[LabeledCloud]

the set of clusters to examine

params ClusterParameters

contains parameters controlling the joining algorithm

labels ndarray

The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud



Type Description
tuple[list[LabeledCloud], ndarray]

A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters, the second being an updated list of labels for each point in the point cloud

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def join_clusters_continuity(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """Join clusters until either only one cluster is left or no clusters meet the criteria to be joined together.

    clusters: list[LabeledCloud]
        the set of clusters to examine
    params: ClusterParameters
        contains parameters controlling the joining algorithm
    labels: numpy.ndarray
        The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud

    tuple[list[LabeledCloud], numpy.ndarray]
        A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters,
        the second being an updated list of labels for each point in
        the point cloud
    jclusters = [cluster for cluster in clusters if cluster.label != NOISE_LABEL]
    before = len(jclusters)
    after = 0
    while before != after and len(jclusters) > 1:
        before = len(jclusters)
        # Order clusters by start time, scaled by mean charge, pad size
        jclusters = sorted(
            key=lambda x:[0, 2]
            * np.mean([:, 3])
            * np.mean([:, 7]),
        jclusters, labels = join_clusters_continuity_step(jclusters, params, labels)
        after = len(jclusters)
    return (jclusters, labels)

join_clusters_continuity_step(clusters, params, labels)

A single step of joining clusters

Combine clusters based on the amount of overlap between circles fit to their x-y (pad plane) projection. This is necessary because often times tracks are fractured or contain regions of varying density which causes clustering algorithms to separate them.


Name Type Description Default
clusters list[LabeledCloud]

the set of clusters to examine

params ClusterParameters

contains the parameters controlling the joining algorithm (max_center_distance)

labels ndarray

The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud



Type Description
tuple[list[LabeledCloud], ndarray]

A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters, the second being an updated list of labels for each point in the point cloud

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def join_clusters_continuity_step(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """A single step of joining clusters

    Combine clusters based on the amount of overlap between circles fit to their x-y (pad plane) projection.
    This is necessary because often times tracks are fractured or contain regions of varying density
    which causes clustering algorithms to separate them.

    clusters: list[LabeledCloud]
        the set of clusters to examine
    params: ClusterParameters
        contains the parameters controlling the joining algorithm (max_center_distance)
    labels: numpy.ndarray
        The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud

    tuple[list[LabeledCloud], numpy.ndarray]
        A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters,
        the second being an updated list of labels for each point in
        the point cloud
    # Can't join 1 or 0 clusters
    if len(clusters) < 2:
        return (clusters, labels)

    event_number = clusters[0].point_cloud.event_number

    # Make a dictionary of center groups, label groups
    # First everyone is in their own group
    used_clusters = {idx: False for idx in range(len(clusters))}
    groups_index: dict[int, list[int]] = {}  # Regroup the actual cluster data
    groups_label: dict[int, list[int]] = {}  # Regroup the label array
    for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        groups_index[cluster.label] = [idx]  # Use indicies for data
        groups_label[cluster.label] = [cluster.label]  # Use labels for ... labels

    # Now regroup, searching for clusters whose circles mostly overlap
    for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        # Reject noise
        if cluster.label == NOISE_LABEL or used_clusters[idx]:
        for cidx, comp_cluster in enumerate(clusters):
            if comp_cluster.label == NOISE_LABEL or cidx == idx or used_clusters[cidx]:

            # downstream
            avg_pos = np.median([-3:, :3], axis=0)  # downstream
            rhos = np.linalg.norm([:, :2], axis=1)
            min_z = np.min([:, 2])
            max_z = np.max([:, 2])
            min_rho = np.min(rhos)
            max_rho = np.max(rhos)
            avg_rho = np.linalg.norm(avg_pos[:2])
            avg_phi = np.arctan2(avg_pos[1], avg_pos[0])
            if avg_phi < 0.0:
                avg_phi += 2.0 * np.pi

            # upstream
            avg_pos_comp = np.median(
      [:3, :3], axis=0
            )  # upstream
            rhos_comp = np.linalg.norm([:, :2], axis=1)
            min_z_comp = np.min([:, 2])
            max_z_comp = np.max([:, 2])
            min_rho_comp = np.min(rhos_comp)
            max_rho_comp = np.max(rhos_comp)
            avg_rho_comp = np.linalg.norm(avg_pos_comp[:2])
            avg_phi_comp = np.arctan2(avg_pos_comp[1], avg_pos_comp[0])
            if avg_phi_comp < 0.0:
                avg_phi_comp += 2.0 * np.pi

            # compare
            is_near_beam_region = (
                np.fabs(avg_rho - 25.0) < 10.0 and np.fabs(avg_rho_comp - 25.0) < 10.0
            z_thresh = (
                max(max_z, max_z_comp) - min(min_z, min_z_comp)
            ) * params.continuity_join.join_z_fraction  # type: ignore
            rho_thresh = (
                max(max_rho, max_rho_comp) - min(min_rho, min_rho_comp)
            ) * params.continuity_join.join_radius_fraction  # type: ignore
            z_diff = np.fabs(avg_pos[2] - avg_pos_comp[2])
            rho_diff = np.fabs(avg_rho - avg_rho_comp)
            phi_diff = np.fabs(avg_phi - avg_phi_comp)
            if phi_diff > np.pi:
                phi_diff = 2.0 * np.pi - phi_diff

            if (
                (is_near_beam_region and z_diff < z_thresh)
                or (
                    rho_diff < rho_thresh
                    and z_diff < z_thresh
                    and phi_diff < np.pi * 0.25
            ) and (avg_pos[2] < avg_pos_comp[2] or z_diff < 10.0):
                comp_indicies = groups_index.pop(comp_cluster.label)
                comp_labels = groups_label.pop(comp_cluster.label)
                for subs in comp_indicies:
                    clusters[subs].label = cluster.label
                used_clusters[idx] = True
                used_clusters[cidx] = True
        # GWM: TODO make this less gross, optimize lower part
        if used_clusters[idx]:

    # Now reform the clouds such that there is one cloud per group
    new_clusters: list[LabeledCloud] = []
    for g in groups_index.keys():
        if g == NOISE_LABEL:

        new_cluster = LabeledCloud(
            g, PointCloud(event_number, np.zeros((0, 8))), np.empty(0)
        for idx in groups_index[g]:
   = np.concatenate(
                (, clusters[idx], axis=0
            indicies = np.argsort([:, 2])
            # Merge the indicies
            new_cluster.parent_indicies = np.concatenate(
                (new_cluster.parent_indicies, clusters[idx].parent_indicies)
            new_cluster.parent_indicies = new_cluster.parent_indicies[indicies]

    # Now replace the labels in the label array with the joined
    # values
    new_labels = labels
    for g in groups_label.keys():
        if g == NOISE_LABEL:
        for label in groups_label[g]:
            new_labels[labels == label] = g

    return (new_clusters, new_labels)

join_clusters_overlap(clusters, params, labels)

Join clusters until either only one cluster is left or no clusters meet the criteria to be joined together.


Name Type Description Default
clusters list[LabeledCloud]

the set of clusters to examine

params ClusterParameters

contains parameters controlling the joining algorithm

labels ndarray

The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud



Type Description
tuple[list[LabeledCloud], ndarray]

A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters, the second being an updated list of labels for each point in the point cloud

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def join_clusters_overlap(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """Join clusters until either only one cluster is left or no clusters meet the criteria to be joined together.

    clusters: list[LabeledCloud]
        the set of clusters to examine
    params: ClusterParameters
        contains parameters controlling the joining algorithm
    labels: numpy.ndarray
        The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud

    tuple[list[LabeledCloud], numpy.ndarray]
        A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters,
        the second being an updated list of labels for each point in
        the point cloud
    jclusters = clusters.copy()
    before = len(jclusters)
    after = 0
    while before != after and len(jclusters) > 1:
        before = len(jclusters)
        jclusters, labels = join_clusters_overlap_step(jclusters, params, labels)
        after = len(jclusters)
    return (jclusters, labels)

join_clusters_overlap_step(clusters, params, labels)

A single step of joining clusters

Combine clusters based on the amount of overlap between circles fit to their x-y (pad plane) projection. This is necessary because often times tracks are fractured or contain regions of varying density which causes clustering algorithms to separate them.


Name Type Description Default
clusters list[LabeledCloud]

the set of clusters to examine

params ClusterParameters

contains the parameters controlling the joining algorithm (max_center_distance)

labels ndarray

The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud



Type Description
tuple[list[LabeledCloud], ndarray]

A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters, the second being an updated list of labels for each point in the point cloud

Source code in src/spyral/core/
def join_clusters_overlap_step(
    clusters: list[LabeledCloud], params: ClusterParameters, labels: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[list[LabeledCloud], np.ndarray]:
    """A single step of joining clusters

    Combine clusters based on the amount of overlap between circles fit to their x-y (pad plane) projection.
    This is necessary because often times tracks are fractured or contain regions of varying density
    which causes clustering algorithms to separate them.

    clusters: list[LabeledCloud]
        the set of clusters to examine
    params: ClusterParameters
        contains the parameters controlling the joining algorithm (max_center_distance)
    labels: numpy.ndarray
        The cluster label for each point in the original point cloud

    tuple[list[LabeledCloud], numpy.ndarray]
        A two element tuple, the first the list of joined clusters,
        the second being an updated list of labels for each point in
        the point cloud
    # Can't join 1 or 0 clusters
    if len(clusters) < 2:
        return (clusters, labels)

    event_number = clusters[0].point_cloud.event_number

    # Fit the clusters with circles
    centers = np.zeros((len(clusters), 3))
    for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        centers[idx, 0], centers[idx, 1], centers[idx, 2], _ = least_squares_circle(
  [:, 0],[:, 1]

    # Make a dictionary of center groups, label groups
    # First everyone is in their own group
    groups_index: dict[int, list[int]] = {}  # Regroup the actual cluster data
    groups_label: dict[int, list[int]] = {}  # Regroup the label array
    for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        groups_index[cluster.label] = [idx]  # Use indicies for data
        groups_label[cluster.label] = [cluster.label]  # Use labels for ... labels

    # Now regroup, searching for clusters whose circles mostly overlap
    for idx, center in enumerate(centers):
        cluster = clusters[idx]
        # Reject noise
        if (
            cluster.label == NOISE_LABEL
            or np.isnan(center[0])
            or center[2] < 10.0
            or len(cluster.point_cloud) < params.overlap_join.min_cluster_size_join  # type: ignore
        radius = center[2]
        area = np.pi * radius**2.0

        for cidx, comp_cluster in enumerate(clusters):
            comp_center = centers[cidx]
            comp_radius = comp_center[2]
            comp_area = np.pi * comp_radius**2.0
            if (
                comp_cluster.label == NOISE_LABEL
                or np.isnan(comp_center[0])
                or center[2] < 10.0
                or cidx == idx
                or (
                    < params.overlap_join.min_cluster_size_join  # type: ignore

            # Calculate area of overlap between the two circles
            # See Wolfram MathWorld
            center_distance = np.sqrt(
                (center[0] - comp_center[0]) ** 2.0
                + (center[1] - comp_center[1]) ** 2.0
            term1 = (center_distance**2.0 + radius**2.0 - comp_radius**2.0) / (
                2.0 * center_distance * radius
            term2 = (center_distance**2.0 + comp_radius**2.0 - radius**2.0) / (
                2.0 * center_distance * comp_radius
            c1 = -center_distance + radius + comp_radius
            c2 = center_distance + radius - comp_radius
            c3 = center_distance - radius + comp_radius
            c4 = center_distance + radius + comp_radius
            term3 = c1 * c2 * c3 * c4
            area_overlap = 0.0
            # term3 cant be negative, inside sqrt.
            if term3 < 0.0 and c1 < 0.0:
                # Cannot possibly overlap, too far apart
            elif term3 < 0.0 and (c2 < 0.0 or c3 < 0.0):
                # Entirely overlap one circle inside of the other
                area_overlap = min(area, comp_area)
                # Circles only somewhat overlap
                term1 = min(
                    1.0, max(-1.0, term1)
                )  # clamp to arccos range to avoid silly floating point precision errors
                term2 = min(1.0, max(-1.0, term2))
                area_overlap = (
                    radius**2.0 * np.arccos(term1)
                    + comp_radius**2.0 * np.arccos(term2)
                    - 0.5 * np.sqrt(term3)

            # Apply the condition
            smaller_area = min(area, comp_area)
            if (
                area_overlap > params.overlap_join.circle_overlap_ratio * smaller_area  # type: ignore
            ) and (cidx not in groups_index[cluster.label]):
                comp_indicies = groups_index.pop(comp_cluster.label)
                comp_labels = groups_label.pop(comp_cluster.label)
                for subs in comp_indicies:
                    clusters[subs].label = cluster.label

    # Now reform the clouds such that there is one cloud per group
    new_clusters: list[LabeledCloud] = []
    for g in groups_index.keys():
        if g == NOISE_LABEL:

        new_cluster = LabeledCloud(
            g, PointCloud(event_number, np.zeros((0, 8))), np.empty(0)
        for idx in groups_index[g]:
   = np.concatenate(
                (, clusters[idx], axis=0
            # Merge the indicies
            new_cluster.parent_indicies = np.concatenate(
                (new_cluster.parent_indicies, clusters[idx].parent_indicies)

    # Now replace the labels in the label array with the joined
    # values
    new_labels = labels
    for g in groups_label.keys():
        if g == NOISE_LABEL:
        for label in groups_label[g]:
            new_labels[labels == label] = g

    return (new_clusters, new_labels)